

我決定花一些我的壓歲錢去買他的專輯了,雖然說我很有可能反悔  = =

【 KKBOX  】

.全美9700萬人次直選2008年第七屆American Idol超人氣亞軍,歌聲征服瑪麗亞凱莉、安德烈韋伯、桃莉芭頓、尼爾戴蒙等樂壇巨星!

毒舌評審Simon Cowell:他是參賽者頭號公敵(the one to beat)

如同家鄉邁阿密的陽光一樣,招牌的陽光燦爛笑容,超齡的聲頻質感與寬廣音域,讓年僅17歲的David Archuleta於「美國偶像 American Idol」第七季中快速吸引大批粉絲力挺,20強比賽時以一首翻唱約翰藍儂名曲”Imagine”深得三位評審大力稱許,此後人氣爆棚成為冠軍大熱門,雖然屈居第二名,他揉合流行/節奏藍調/白人靈魂的唱腔已被看好是新世代小天王。發行正式出道的個人單曲”Crush”,即刻以爆衝數位下載榜冠軍,同時寫下08年全美單曲首週亞軍的最強初登場紀錄,風光贏過冠軍David Cook的成績,成為「美國偶像」繼Clay Aiken後又一初登場表現優異的亞軍得主。

出生於佛羅里達州的大衛,6歲時受到「悲慘世界」舞台劇的感召,開啟對音樂的無比熱忱。10歲即在公開場合演出,參加當地的才藝競賽,拿下兒童組的冠軍。2003年,僅12歲的大衛站上知名選秀節目《明日之星Star Search 2》少年歌手組NO.1席次,大將之風的沉穩表現,陸續受邀在電視節目中獻唱,被讚賞是位擁有十足潛力的天才小子!

深受擁有新好男孩、布蘭妮等偶像巨星的Jive唱片賞識,比賽後簽下大衛,推出首張同名專輯《David Archuleta》。空降亞軍的首發單曲”Crush”,交付金牌製作人Emanuel Kiriakou(席琳狄翁、傑西麥卡尼)掌舵,訴說一段神魂顛倒的戀愛情愫,得到「娛樂週刊」雜誌高度推崇:「出乎意料的好歌」;踩著輕快步伐的”Touch My Hands”,調勻順暢耐聽的旋律、真假音適度的轉換,配合大衛的靈魂唱腔,無不令人陶醉其中;舒緩小品”Barriers”,收放自若地渲染出清新透徹線條;架構於R&B律動裡頭的”A Little Too Not Over You”,不僅展現大衛的創作功力,更從編曲、和聲等各方面,成功秀出掌握流行音樂趨勢的拿手絕活;鋼琴柔美彈奏拉出序幕的”To Be With You”,隨後添進弦樂輔佐,勾勒簡約美麗的圖像;好久不見的超級男孩團員JC Chasez,和大衛聯手撰寫愉悅動聽的”Don't Let Go”;搖擺出Funky鮮明色澤,以及吸納鄉村民謠氣流的”Your Eyes Don't Lie”,交出引人入勝的暢快樂章;壓軸獻唱英國天王羅比威廉斯名曲”Angels”,則讓樂迷聆聽他比賽經典演唱的全新錄音版本。陽光大衛的迷人神采如旋風式的席捲流行歌壇,帶著絕對自信與迷人魅力,展現外貌實力兼具的全能才藝。


結果一進副歌就嚇到了  XD  因為副歌很好聽,而且他的音色很漂亮

除了旋律很好聽之外,他的聲音依然的,很乾淨 =)

哈哈不過他的歌真的很好聽  =)  下面有幾首歌我覺得很棒的。



I hung up the phone tonight
Something happened for the first time deep inside
It was a rush ,what a rush ( what a rush )

'Cause the possibility
That you would ever feel the same way about me
It's just too much ( just too much )

Why do I keep running from the truth?
All I ever think about is you
You got me hypnotized, so mesmerized
And I've just got to know

Do you ever think when you're all alone?
All that we can be, where this thing can go?
Am I crazy or falling in love?
Is it real or just another crush?

Do you catch a breath when I look at you?
Are you holding back like the way I do?
'Cause I'm trying and trying to walk away
But I know this crush ain't going away (ay-ay-ay-ayy)
Going away (ay-ay-ay-ayy)

Has it ever crossed your mind
When we're hanging, spending time girl, are we just friends?
Is there more ? Is there more ?

See it's a chance we've gotta take
'Cause I believe that we can make this into something that will last
Last forever ( forever )

《A Little Too Not Over You》

It never crossed my mind at all
It's what I tell myself
What we had has come and gone
You're better off with someone else
It's for the best, I know it is
But I see you
Sometimes I try to hide
What I feel inside
And I turn around
You're with him now
I just can't figure it out

Tell me why it's so hard to forget
Don't remind me, I'm not over it
Tell me why I can't seem to face the truth
I'm just a little too not over you
Not over you

Memories, supposed to fade
What's wrong with my heart?
Shake it off, let it go
Didn't think it'd be this hard
Should be strong, movin' on
But I see you
Sometimes I try to hide
What I feel inside
And I turn around,
You're with him now
I just can't figure it out

Maybe I regret everything I said,
No way to take it all back, yeah
Now I'm on my own
How I let you go, I'll never understand
I'll never understand, yeah, oohh

《Touch My Hand》

Saw you from the distance
Saw you from the stage
Something 'bout the look in your eyes
Something 'bout your beautiful face
In a sea of people
There was only you
I never knew what this song was about
But suddenly now I do

Trying to reach out to you
Touch my hand
Reach out as far as you can
Only me, only you, and the band
Trying to reach out to you
Touch my hand

Can't let the music stop
Can't let this feeling end
Cause if I do it'll all be over
I'll never see you again

Can't let the music stop
Until I touch your hand
Cause if I do it'll all be over
I'll never get the chance again
I'll never get the chance again
I'll never get the chance again

I see the sparkle of a million flashlights
I wonder why all the the stars
But the one that's shining out so bright
Is the one right where you are

Saw you from the stage
Something 'bout the look in your eyes
Something 'bout your beautiful face

《My Hands》

Accidentally, on purpose
I dropped my watch behind the tire
Threw my alarm clock inside the fireplace
Yeah, and I put the parental control on,
On the news and the weather channel
I'm outside in my robe I'm looking for you, oh

If everything'd stop
I'd listen for your heart
To lead me right to you, yeah
I tried every way I can

But it's harder to hold on to your hands than the hands of time
I need a hand girl, I'm trying to hold on
Losing strength in these hands of mine, I need you here
I'm trying to hold on
Standing here open hands and I
Know I can't do this alone
Hold on, oh hold on
Lemme hold on (to my hands)
Hold on to my hands (don't let go of my hands)
Don't ever let me go
Hold on to my hands
Don't ever let me go

I don't think this is working
Squeezing so hard my hands are hurting
Ought to let go in the first place
And I put the phone on the front lawn
Everything that shows time is gone
I'm outside in this cold
Still looking for you

《Your Eyes Don't Lie》

I saw you yesterday,
It's been a while
You tried but failed
At holdin' back your smile right then
It's not over yet, I knew, for you

(You see)
I couldn't sleep
I thought of nothin' else
I needed help
Everyone was tellin' me
You were movin' on with someone else
But what we had was so special
People can be jealous, oh
I had to see it for myself

I can see it in your eyes
You feel the same about us as I
There is no way the truth can be disguised
You're still in love with me
You were never really out of love with me
Your eyes don't lie

I know I hurt ya,
I know you are hurtin' still (mmm, yeah)
But I'll make it up to you
Yeah, baby, I will
'Cause what we had was so special
You know we can't give it up
Now that I'ma lookin' at you I can see

Oh, now that I know
We were apart but your heart never let go
So thank you for showin' me with one look
What used to be, and still is, a possibility


如果你們夠明智的話應該會去聽一遍才對 XD
好啦我是說真的,這幾首歌都真的很好聽,雖然說最後一首曲風比較特別 =)

最近我很缺音樂,就快要聽膩了 = =



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